Old Moulton Cemetery

A complete history is not possible due to the lack of official records retention.  The information known is based on research of county records, newspapers and personal interviews with those of with knowledge of the cemetery. 

The cemetery consists of two separate fenced areas, one large area for Caucasians and one small area for African Americans. 

In spite of research of records from Gonzales and Lavaca counties, no documents have been discovered that determine the establishment of the cemetery.  It is believed that the first burial occurred in 1855 or 1856.  The earliest date of burial on the marked graves is that of Louisa Lattimer (1842-1857), burial plot #63.

There are a number of burial plots having only one date on the tombstone, therefore; it is not possible to determine the age, date of birth or date of death. 

The Old Moulton Cemetery has been recognized by the Texas Historical Commission.