Court Conduct & Protocol
Conduct Required of All Persons Attending Court
Court is in session whenever the Judge is on the Bench. While the Court is in session, unless the Judge directs otherwise the following conduct must be observed:
a. No smoking or use of tobacco products, including snuff or chewing tobacco.
b. Food, drinks or liquids may not be brought into the courtroom, no chewing gum.
c. No reading of any materials, other than court documents, including books, magazines or newspapers and any electronic forms of such materials.
d. All persons, whether lawyers, parties, witnesses, jurors, or spectators, conducting business, participating in trials, or otherwise attending proceedings in a Moulton Municipal courtroom, shall be dressed appropriately so as to maintain the dignity, integrity, decorum, seriousness and professional atmosphere of the Court and the administration of justice.
As such, no inappropriate attire shall be allowed, including short pants "shorts", tank tops, sleevelss shirts, jeans with holes, cut-offs, low pants with underwear showing, inappropriate "message" shirts, no pajamas, flip flops, house shoes, slipppers or sunglasses. No hats or head coverings including scarves, bandana or do-rags shall be worn in the Courtroom, unless such item is of a religious nature or for medical reasons.
e. No propping feet or sitting on tables or backs of benches or chairs.
f. No loud noises. Any children brought into the Courtroom must be quiet or they must be removed from the Courtroom
g. No standing in the Courtroom, except when addressing the Court or by direction of the Judge or Bailiff.
h. No gestures, facial expressions or sounds indicating approval or disapproval of a ruling by the Court or a comment on testimony of a witness.
i. No unattended children in the Courtroom. Children under the age of 8 and children 8 and older, who cannot sit alone, cannot be brought to a Courtroom without an adult or older responsible child, who can accompany them out of the Courtroom, if necessary.
j. No cellular telephones are to be used in the Courtroom.
ALL cell phones must be powered off at all times, except by express permission of the Judge. Electronic tablets or laptop computers may not be used in the Courtroom, except by attorneys, their staff and pro se Defendants, while processing a case or docket. Any device which rings or otherwise make noise may be taken by the Bailiff and not returned until the conclusion of the court proceeding. Cell phones must be kept out of sight.
k. Absolutely no knives regardless of size, weapons or anything that can be used as a weapon shall be brought into the Courtroom. Commissioned Peace Officers in uniform may bring weapons in the Courtroom. The Judge shall have discretion to have any object removed from the Courtroom.