Utility Billing

It is the goal of the Utility Billing Department to provide professional and responsive service to the citizens of Moulton.  This department is responsible for billing and collection of  electric, water, sewer and trash services.  If you have a question about your account or services please contact Jenna Harris, the Utility Clerk at 361-596-4621.

Office Hours are Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
A secured utility drop box is located next to the front door of City Hall.  Utility payments may be dropped in the box at any time. 

Utility payments are due on the 15th of each month.  If the 15th is on a weekend, bills are due the following Monday.
Payments received after the 15th of each month will receive a 10% late fee. 
Utility service will be disconnected will be performed on or about the 20th of each month. 
Disconnected accounts will require a $50.00 re-connection fee. 

Utility payments can be made in person or drop box at 102 S. Main Street, Moulton, Texas.
Mail payments to P. O. Box 369, Moulton, Texas 77975
Credit card payments can be made by the following method:
1-866-549-1010 or www.certifiedpayments.net
Please use Bureau Code 4954855 when making credit card payments.  Please include your account number during the payment process.  A small fee will be accessed at the time of the credit card payment.

Return Checks
There is a $25.00 fee for checks returned by your bank.
Accounts presenting insufficient checks for any two billing cycles within a 12 month period shall be placed on a cash only basis for a period of 12 months.

Seriously Delinquent Accounts
After 90 days, delinquent accounts will be turned over to a collection bureau utilized by the City.