Dismissal Information

Defense to Prosecution Dismissals

If you receive a citation for Failure to Display Driver's License, you may appear on or before your appearance date and present your Driver's License which must be valid at the time of the citation to the judge and request dismissal.

If you receive a citation for Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility (No Insurance) and you can provide proof as required by law for the date and time you were stopped, you may appear on or before your appearance date and present this proof to the judge and request dismissal. 

Compliance Dismissals

These dismissals have many terms and are not always a defendant's right. These dismissals are valid if the defendant appears on or before the required appearance date and meets the terms.

If you receive one of the following citations and meet the listed terms, the Judge may decide to dismiss your case, at his discretion.

Expired Driver's License

1. Renew your license within 20 business days of the date you were charged or the appearance date on the citation, whichever is later.

2. Provide your new temporary license.

3. Present the temporary license noted above with $20 (dismissal fee) no later than your court appearance date assigned by the charging officer.

Expired Vehicle Registration

1. Renew your registration within 20 business days of the date you were charged or the appearance date on the citation, whichever is later. 

2. Provide the computer printout from the county tax assessor's office verifying that the vehicle was registered AND the defendant paid any applicable penalty fees. Both requirements must be met, no exceptions.

3. Present the receipt noted above with $20 (dismissal fee) no later than your court appearance date assigned by the charging officer.

Expired Vehicle Inspection

(*Only if expired for less than 60 days)

1. Renew your inspection within 20 business days of the date you were charged or the appearance date on the citation, whichever is later. 

2. Provide a legible receipt of inspection that clearly identifies the inspected vehicle and the payment of the required inspection fee.

3. Present the receipt noted above with $20 (dismissal fee) no later than your court appearance date assigned by the charging officer.